Okie so I’ve been pretty miserable for the last week or so down with a hacking cough and headache and now runny nose and eyes.

This morning I contemplated giving away my pharmacy ball ticket thinking no way can I drive down there to attend it tomorrow night.

Anyhow hubby told me he’s been taking tablets and they worked.

Today I follow suit. Popped in 10mls of the strongest cough mixture that I can find that’s not a prescription item and two cold and flu tablets.

The tablets contained the works. Pain killer mixed with a decongestant and antihistamine.

Whola I feel like a new person. My nose and eyes have stopped running. My chest feels better and my cough have abated. I can’t even feel my headache anymore or have the shivers. 

And guess what? For once my heart is not going at 100 miles an hour after taking a decongestant. 

I feel great enough to go have a shower and wash my hair.

I think I’ll go to the ball tomorrow after all. Pity to let it go to waste since I paid $100 for it. The company will cheer me up. 

List for today:
Work: if I feel up to it.

Dinner: we are taking our student out to have souvlaki and then to have cake. She hasn’t had lamb whilst she’s been here.

Stalactites will be busy so we are going to take away our souvlakis and eat somewhere else.

I think she’ll love the cafe. It’s got two walls of fridges full of cakes 😂


Our student leave us tomorrow at 930am bound for the Vic market before her flight at 345pm. 

It’s been a whirlwind 13 days with her around. She’s very easy to look after and it’s been great. 

One thing for sure it has taught my youngest responsibility. She’s been making breakfast and lunch for the exchange student and take her here and there. Looking after her.